Transforming the lives of individuals, families and communities together
At Solcomún, we are dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals, families, and communities in Santa María de La Paz, Honduras.
This region faces significant challenges, including low education levels, unstable incomes, food insecurity, inadequate housing, and limited access to essential services like water and sanitation.
Solcomún mobilizes resources to invest in social infrastructure, promote sustainable economic growth, and foster ethical leadership development.


Social Development
Supporting families and communities to gain access to basic services such as housing, water, energy, healthcare, and education.

Sustainable Economic Development
Investing resources to improve productive capacity and family income, promoting sustainable agriculture and opportunities for fair and profitable trade.

Leadership Development

Training and developing influential individuals so they can empower others in their communities to make decisions and realize their full potential.
Hernandez Family
Life as a coffee farmer in rural Honduras often creates financial limitations. The Hernandez family has overcome many obstacles and proves to be a family full of strength and perseverance, constantly seeking new opportunities to create a better future for their children.
We are currently seeking funding to create their new house.
Explore our impact page and donate towards the building of their new home.

Mirna Suyapa
Mirna Suyapa Larios is a single mother of two, Jessy (16) and Kevin (18) living in La Paz, Honduras.
Working as a custodian at the local government offices, Mirna makes a minimum wage and has never had a home of her own. Sharing rooms with her two children at her family member’s homes, the Larios family has never had a place of their own.
In December 2023, we started the fundraising process to build her home. We met our goal and reached $25,000 towards the construction of Mirna's new home.
The house is currently under construction and expected to be complete by the end of 2024.

Make a donation to our housing fund.
Every housing project costs between $25,000 and $28,000 to create home that is adequate.
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Be the Foundation for Change
At Solcomun, we go beyond concrete floors and build spacious, dignifying homes made of quality cynder blocks.
Our adequate housing solutions include features like concrete floors, providing a foundation for healthier living conditions, reducing disease transmission, improving sanitation, and promoting physical and mental well-being.
Help families in Honduras build safe, secure homes.

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Liat Tortal, NJ
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"Use this space to share a testimonial quote about the business, its products or its services. Insert a quote from a real customer or client here to build trust and win over site visitors."
Connect with our team

Contact us to learn more about the impact we can create together in Honduras.